Backyard Birding meets Backyard Gardening
It’s a known fact that many Backyard Bird enthusiasts are also Backyard Gardening enthusiasts. And yes, we are getting close to the end of our gardening season, but if you’re anything like me – you’re sitting down and making plans for all of those gardening projects that you didn’t get to this year – “if I start planning now, I’m sure it’ll get done next spring……”, he says kidding himself. Recently I was fortunate enough to pick up the Audubon North American Birdfeeder Guide (Robert Burton and Stephen W. Kress, DK Publishing) and was quite pleased to see an entire section devoted to “The bird-friendly garden”.
This is one of many publications that speak to the benefits of planning your backyard garden around birding. If you haven’t already taken into consideration your backyard bird friends when planning your garden, I would encourage you to speak to your local garden centre, or pick up some reading materials such as the Audubon Birdfeeder Guide and explore ways to create a bird friendly habitat.